Mooberry Elementary
Smarter Balanced Testing
Mooberry plans to do state testing May 10-12th.
Here are a few tips for parents:
- Mark the testing dates on your calendar so you know in advance when those days are coming and can help your student arrive at school ready to test.
- Help your student take the practice test in advance (
- Make sure your student gets a good night’s sleep and eats a healthy breakfast on test days.
- Encourage your student to do their best on the test and not to worry or become frustrated. Students do not “pass” or “fail” these tests. The tests simply measure current knowledge to help schools improve instruction.
- Contact your student’s teacher or the school principal with questions or concerns about testing.
For additional information and tips about state testing, click the appropriate link below:
If you do not want your student to take their assigned test, please complete the Opt-Out Online Form indicated below by May 1, 2021:
- Opt-out Form in English:
- Opt-out Form in Spanish:
If your student is at a grade level requiring the Science test, you may request an Exemption from Testing by completing the online form linked below. Please note that there are two different forms depending on which test you are asking that your student not take.
- OSAS Science Exemption from State Testing Form (English):
- OSAS Science Exemption from State Testing Form (Spanish):